Elder Coleman

Elder Coleman
Arriving at the MTC

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

September 30, 2013

Dear friends and family,

This week was transfer week. I received Elder Maughan (pronounced Mon), who came from the MTC with me. He seems like an awesome guy and I'm really excited to serve with him.

We had a really good week this week. We saw a lot of less actives and did a lot of tracting. The big thing this week came in the form of a new member visit that Elder Maughan and I came up with this week. During weekly planning, we thought that there had to be some way to help the members of our ward do missionary work. Usually, they are informational visits that teach a principle and invite them to do something. We wanted this one to be different. We wanted to go into their homes, and bring the Spirit so that they would be changed. So, change comes through the Atonement so we decided to focus on that. We role played and thought and the program we came up with is one of the most powerful lessons I have ever taught. What we do is first, play "Savior, Redeemer of my Soul" by vocal point to bring the Spirit and invite them to think about what the Savior has done for them. Then, we shared a video that the Mission made that is a combination of talks given by President Eyring at a priesthood session, Elder Holland at a mission president training fireside, and clips from the "Lamb of God." Last we share D&C 18:10-18, bear our testimonies of the Atonement, and invite them to participate in a challenge that I have used in the past to read, study, and work for missionary experiences. We tested it out on our ward mission leader and his wife and it was incredible. There was sniffling from the wife and "something is stuck in my eye" from the men. We felt the Spirit testify to us and them that Jesus Christ made salvation possible to all of us. It wasn't easy for Him, and it is not easy for us. Most members, I have found, don't do missionary work not because they don't want to, but because they are scared of rejection. As I was pondering this, a scripture came to my mind. "For perfect love casteth out all fear" (Moroni 8:16) and is not the Savior's Atonement a testimony of His perfect love? The Atonement heals our wounds and lifts our burdens. THIS is the work of salvation! THIS is why we are here! I testify that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is enough. I know that as we exercise faith in Him, repent, keep our covenants, and endure to the end, we will become missionaries who have no fear in sharing the gospel. I love you all and hope your next week is as good as mine will be!

Elder Spencer Coleman

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